# Gate.io Options WebSocket v4

    Gate.io provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate gate.io options underlying trade status into your business or application.

    We have language bindings in Python, more in the future! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

    # Server URL

    We provide underlying trade server urls, you can choose one of them according to your condition.

    Base URLs:

    • Real Trading: wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws

    • TestNet: wss://op-ws-testnet.gateio.live/v4/ws

    # Changelog

    # !/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    import json
    import logging
    import time
    from websocket import WebSocketApp
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class GateWebSocketApp(WebSocketApp):
       def __init__(self, url, api_key, api_secret, **kwargs):
          super(GateWebSocketApp, self).__init__(url, **kwargs)
          self._api_key = api_key
          self._api_secret = api_secret
       def _send_ping(self, interval, event, payload):
          while not event.wait(interval):
             self.last_ping_tm = time.time()
             if self.sock:
                except Exception as ex:
                   logger.warning("send_ping routine terminated: {}".format(ex))
                   self._request("options.ping", auth_required=False)
                except Exception as e:
                   raise e
       def _request(self, channel, event=None, payload=None, auth_required=True):
          current_time = int(time.time())
          data = {
             "time": current_time,
             "channel": channel,
             "event": event,
             "payload": payload,
          if auth_required:
             message = 'channel=%s&event=%s&time=%d' % (channel, event, current_time)
             data['auth'] = {
                "method": "api_key",
                "KEY": self._api_key,
                "SIGN": self.get_sign(message),
          data = json.dumps(data)
          logger.info('request: %s', data)
       def get_sign(self, message):
          h = hmac.new(self._api_secret.encode("utf8"), message.encode("utf8"), hashlib.sha512)
          return h.hexdigest()
       def subscribe(self, channel, payload=None, auth_required=True):
          self._request(channel, "subscribe", payload, auth_required)
       def unsubscribe(self, channel, payload=None, auth_required=True):
            self._request(channel, "unsubscribe", payload, auth_required)
    def on_message(ws, message):
        # type: (GateWebSocketApp, str) -> None
        # handle message received
        logger.info("message received from server: {}".format(message))
    def on_open(ws):
        # type: (GateWebSocketApp) -> None
        # subscribe to channels interested
        logger.info('websocket connected')
        ws.subscribe("options.contract_tickers", ['BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C'], False)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
        app = GateWebSocketApp("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws",
    package main
    import (
    type Msg struct {
    	Time    int64    `json:"time"`
    	Channel string   `json:"channel"`
    	Event   string   `json:"event"`
    	Payload []string `json:"payload"`
    	Auth    *Auth    `json:"auth"`
    type Auth struct {
    	Method string `json:"method"`
    	KEY    string `json:"KEY"`
    	SIGN   string `json:"SIGN"`
    const (
    	Key    = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    	Secret = "YOUR_API_SECRETY"
    func sign(channel, event string, t int64) string {
    	message := fmt.Sprintf("channel=%s&event=%s&time=%d", channel, event, t)
    	h2 := hmac.New(sha512.New, []byte(Secret))
    	io.WriteString(h2, message)
    	return hex.EncodeToString(h2.Sum(nil))
    func (msg *Msg) sign() {
    	signStr := sign(msg.Channel, msg.Event, msg.Time)
    	msg.Auth = &Auth{
    		Method: "api_key",
    		KEY:    Key,
    		SIGN:   signStr,
    func (msg *Msg) send(c *websocket.Conn) error {
    	msgByte, err := json.Marshal(msg)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	return c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, msgByte)
    func NewMsg(channel, event string, t int64, payload []string) *Msg {
    	return &Msg{
    		Time:    t,
    		Channel: channel,
    		Event:   event,
    		Payload: payload,
    func main() {
    	u := url.URL{Scheme: "wss", Host: "op-ws.gateio.live", Path: "/v4/ws"}
    	websocket.DefaultDialer.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{RootCAs: nil, InsecureSkipVerify: true}
    	c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
    	if err != nil {
    	// read msg
    	go func() {
    		for {
    			_, message, err := c.ReadMessage()
    			if err != nil {
    			fmt.Printf("recv: %s\n", message)
    	t := time.Now().Unix()
    	pingMsg := NewMsg("options.ping", "", t, []string{})
    	err = pingMsg.send(c)
    	if err != nil {
    	// subscribe order book
    	orderBookMsg := NewMsg("options.order_book", "subscribe", t, []string{"BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"})
    	err = orderBookMsg.send(c)
    	if err != nil {
    	// subscribe positions
    	positionsMsg := NewMsg("options.positions", "subscribe", t, []string{"USERID", "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"})
    	err = positionsMsg.send(c)
    	if err != nil {
    	select {}


    • Initial release

    # API Overview

    # Method

    Each general api (such as ticker, order book etc.) supports 4 different event messages, they are:

    1. subscribe (RECOMMENDED TO USE)

      Subscribe to receive notification from server when new data is available.

    2. unsubscribe

      Server will not send new data notification if unsubscribed.

    3. update

      If new subscribed data(incremental data) is available, server will send a notification to client.

    4. all

      If new subscribed data(all data) is available, server will send a notification to client.

    # Request

    Each request follows a common format, which contains time, channel, event and payload.

    parameter type required description
    time Integer Yes request time
    channel String Yes request subscribe/unsubscribe channel
    auth String no request auth info, see Authentication section for details
    event String Yes request event (subscribe/unsubscribe/update/all)
    payload Array Yes request detail parameters

    # Response

    Similar with request, response follows a common format composed of time, channel, event , error and result.

    Field type required description
    time Integer Yes response time
    channel String Yes response channel
    event String Yes response channel event (update/all)
    error Object Yes response channel event (update/all)
    result Array Yes response detail parameters

    # Error

    In case of error, you receive a message containing the proper error code and message within an error object.

    Code Message
    1 invalid argument struct
    2 invalid argument
    3 service error

    # Authentication


    Note: the GateAPIv4 key pair you used MUST have at least options read permission enabled, and your outbound IP address must be in the key's IP whitelist if its whitelist is enabled.

    # example WebSocket signature calculation implementation in Python
    import hmac, hashlib, json, time
    def gen_sign(channel, event, timestamp):
        # GateAPIv4 key pair
        api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
        api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'
        s = 'channel=%s&event=%s&time=%d' % (channel, event, timestamp)
        sign = hmac.new(api_secret.encode('utf-8'), s.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
        return {'method': 'api_key', 'KEY': api_key, 'SIGN': sign}
    request = {
        'id': int(time.time() * 1e6),
        'time': int(time.time()),
        'channel': 'options.orders',
        'event': 'subscribe',
        'payload': ["1001", "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"]
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Client requests need to carry authentication information if channels are private, e.g. options.orders channel to retrieve user orders update.

    Authentication are sent by auth field in request body with the following format:

    Field Type Description
    method String Authentication method. Currently only one method api_key is accepted
    KEY String Gate APIv4 user key string
    SIGN String Authentication signature generated using GateAPIv4 secret and request information

    WebSocket authentication uses the same signature calculation method with Gate APIv4 API, i.e., HexEncode(HMAC_SHA512(secret, signature_string)), but has the following differences:

    1. Signature string concatenation method: channel=<channel>&event=<event>&time=<time>, where <channel>, <event>, <time> are corresponding request information
    2. Authentication information are sent in request body in field auth.

    You can log into the console to retrieve Gate APIv4 key and secret.

    # System API

    System APIs used to retrieve service meta information. NOT used for subscription.

    # Application ping pong


    Code samples

    import time
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    ws.send('{"time": %d, "channel": "options.ping"}'% int(time.time()))

    Response example

       "time": 1630566602,
       "channel": "options.pong",
       "event": "",
       "error": null,
       "result": null

    Check if connection to server is still alive.

    This is an additional connection reachability check. The server uses the protocol layer ping/pong (opens new window) message to check if client is still connected. It does NOT force this method to be used. If you use some well-known WebSocket client library, you generally don't need to care about this API.

    However, from the client's view, this API can help the client to actively check if the connection to server is still reachable. Additionally, if the server receives the client's options.ping request, it will also reset the client's timeout timer.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Contract Tickers Channel


    The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the contract. It shows you the last trade price, best ask price, best bid price, index price .etc

    push type: incremental

    update frequency: 1s

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.contract_tickers",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Contract list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630576352,
    	"channel": "options.contract_tickers",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": {
        "name": "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-P",
        "last_price": "11349.5",
        "mark_price": "11170.19",
        "index_price": "",
        "position_size": 993,
        "bid1_price": "10611.7",
        "bid1_size": 100,
        "ask1_price": "11728.7",
        "ask1_size": 100,
        "vega": "34.8731",
        "theta": "-72.80588",
        "rho": "-28.53331",
        "gamma": "0.00003",
        "delta": "-0.78311",
        "mark_iv": "0.86695",
        "bid_iv": "0.65481",
        "ask_iv": "0.88145",
        "leverage": "3.5541112718136"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Object Ticker Object
    »» name string Options contract name
    »»last_price string Last trading price
    »» mark_price string Current mark price
    »» index_price string Current index price
    »» ask1_size integer(int64) Best ask size
    »» ask1_price string Best ask price
    »» bid1_size integer(int64) Best bid size
    »» bid1_price string Best bid price
    »» position_size integer(int64) Current total long position size
    »» mark_iv string Implied volatility
    »» bid_iv string Bid side implied volatility
    »» ask_iv string Ask side implied volatility
    »» leverage string Current leverage. Formula: underlying_price / mark_price * delta
    »» delta string Delta
    »» gamma string Gamma

    # Underlying Tickers Channel


    The underlying ticker shows put trades, call trades and index_price of underlyings.

    push type: incremental

    update frequency: 1s

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.ul_tickers",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Underlying list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1630576352,
       "channel": "options.ul_tickers",
       "event": "update",
       "result": {
          "trade_put": 800,
          "trade_call": 41700,
          "index_price": "50695.43",
          "name": "BTC_USDT"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Object Ticker Object
    »name String Underlying name
    »trade_put integer(int64) Total put options trades amount in last 24h (unit: contract size)
    » trade_call integer(int64) Total call options trades amount in last 24h (unit: contract size)
    » index_price string Index price (quote currency)

    # Public Contract Trades Channel


    This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at gate.io. It includes details of the trade, such as price, amount, time.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.trades",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Contract list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630576356,
    	"channel": "options.trades",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": [
            "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C",
            "create_time": 1639144526,
            "id": 12279,
            "price": 997.8,
            "size": -100,
            "create_time_ms": 1639144526597,
            "underlying": "BTC_USDT"

    Note that public trade channel only notify the taker side in a trade. Private user trades channel below will notify all user related trades.

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of trades
    »contract String Options contract name
    »size int Trading size
    »id int Trade ID
    »create_time int Trading time (the time of the transaction)
    » create_time_ms int Trading time, with milliseconds set to 3 decimal places.
    »price Float Trading price
    »underlying String underlying name

    # Public Underlying Trades Channel


    This channel sends all trades message under underlying whenever a trade occurs at gate.io. It includes details of the trade, such as price, amount, time.**Not a underlying trade data, it's all contracts trades data which contract under underlying **

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.ul_trades",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Underlying list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630576356,
    	"channel": "options.ul_trades",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": [
            "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C",
            "create_time": 1639144526,
            "id": 12279,
            "price": 997.8,
            "size": -100,
            "create_time_ms": 1639144526597,
            "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
            "is_call": true,

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of trades
    »contract String Options contract name
    »size int Trading size
    »id int Trade ID
    »create_time int Trading time
    » create_time_ms int Trading time, with milliseconds set to 3 decimal places.
    »price Float Trading price
    »underlying String underlying name
    »is_call Bool true: CALL,false:PUT

    # Underlying Price Channel


    This channel sends underlying price update messages.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.ul_price",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Underlying list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1630576356,
       "channel": "options.ul_price",
       "event": "update",
       "result": {
          "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
          "price": 49653.24,
          "time": 1639143988,
          "time_ms": 1639143988931

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Object Object of price update
    »underlying String Options underlying name
    »price Float underlying price
    »time int update time (time from gate engin)
    »time_ms int update time in millisecond (time from gate engin)

    # Mark Price Channel


    This channel sends mark price update messages.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.mark_price",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-P"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Contracts list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630576356,
    	"channel": "options.mark_price",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": {
        "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-P",
        "price": 11021.27,
        "time": 1639143401,
        "time_ms": 1639143401676

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Object Object of mark price
    »contract String Options contract name
    »price Float underlying price
    »time int update time
    »time_ms int update time in millisecond

    # Settlements Channel


    This channel sends contracts settlement update messages.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.settlements",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211130-55000-P"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Contracts list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1630576356,
       "channel": "options.settlements",
       "event": "update",
       "result": {
          "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-55000-P",
          "orderbook_id": 2,
          "position_size": 1,
          "profit": 0.5,
          "settle_price": 70000,
          "strike_price": 65000,
          "tag": "WEEK",
          "trade_id": 1,
          "trade_size": 1,
          "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
          "time": 1639051907,
          "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Object Object of settlement
    » time Int Last changed time of configuration (settlement time)
    » time_ms Int Last changed time in millisecond of configuration
    » contract string Contract name
    » profit string Settlement profit per size
    » settle_price string Settlement price
    » strike_price Int Strike price
    » orderbook_id Int Current orderbook ID
    » position_size Int Current total long position size
    » tag String Settlement tag
    » trade_id int Current trade ID
    » trade_size Int Historical accumulated trade size
    » underlying String underlying name

    # Contracts Channel


    This channel sends contracts update messages.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.contracts",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-P"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Contracts list

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1630576356,
       "channel": "options.contracts",
       "event": "update",
       "result": {
          "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-P",
          "create_time": 1637917026,
          "expiration_time": 1638230400,
          "init_margin_high": 0.15,
          "init_margin_low": 0.1,
          "is_call": false,
          "maint_margin_base": 0.075,
          "maker_fee_rate": 0.0004,
          "mark_price_round": 0.1,
          "min_balance_short": 0.5,
          "min_order_margin": 0.1,
          "multiplier": 0.0001,
          "order_price_deviate": 0,
          "order_price_round": 0.1,
          "order_size_max": 1,
          "order_size_min": 10,
          "orders_limit": 100000,
          "ref_discount_rate": 0.1,
          "ref_rebate_rate": 0,
          "strike_price": 50000,
          "tag": "WEEK",
          "taker_fee_rate": 0.0004,
          "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
          "time": 1639051907,
          "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Object Contract Object
    » contract string Options contract
    » tag string Tag
    » create_time integer(int64) Creation time of the contract
    » expiration_time integer(int64) Expiration time of the contract
    » init_margin_high float Initial position margin high
    » init_margin_low float Initial position margin low
    » is_call boolean true means call options, while false is put options
    » maint_margin_base float Position maintenance margin base
    » multiplier string Multiplier used in converting from invoicing to settlement currency
    » underlying string Underlying
    » maker_fee_rate string Maker fee rate, where negative means rebate
    » taker_fee_rate string Taker fee rate
    » order_price_round string Minimum order price increment
    » mark_price_round string Minimum mark price increment
    » order_size_min integer(int64) Minimum order size the contract allowed
    » order_size_max integer(int64) Maximum order size the contract allowed
    » order_price_deviate string deviation between order price and current index price. If price of an order is denoted as order_price, it must meet the following condition: abs(order_price - mark_price) <= mark_price * order_price_deviate
    » ref_discount_rate string Referral fee rate discount
    » ref_rebate_rate string Referrer commission rate
    » orders_limit integer Maximum number of open orders
    » min_balance_short float Balance margin of unfinished orders
    » min_order_margin Float Order margin of unfinished orders
    » strike_price float Strike price
    » time Int64 Time of message created
    » time_ms Int64 Time of message created in millisecond

    # Contract Candlesticks Channel


    Provides a way to access charting candlestick info.

    push type: incremental

    update frequency: 2s

    # Client Subscription

    If prefix contract with mark_, the contract's mark price candlesticks will be subscribed; if prefix with index_, index price candlesticks will be subscribed.

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.contract_candlesticks",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["10s", "BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Subscription parameters. From left to right, interval, cp
    » interval String Yes Candlestick data point interval
    » contract String Yes Options contract name

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    interval 10s
    interval 1m
    interval 5m
    interval 15m
    interval 30m
    interval 1h
    interval 4h
    interval 8h
    interval 1d
    interval 7d

    To subscribe to multiple contracts or with different intervals, just send multiple subscribe request with different parameters.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630650451,
    	"channel": "options.contract_candlesticks",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": [
            "t": 1639039260,
            "v": 100,
            "c": "1041.4",
            "h": "1041.4",
            "l": "1041.4",
            "o": "1041.4",
            "a": "0",
            "n": "10s_BTC_USDT-20211231-59800-C"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of Candlesticks
    t Integer Unix timestamp in seconds
    o String Open price
    c String Close price
    h String Highest price
    l String Lowest price
    v Integer Total volume
    a String Amount
    n String Name of the subscription, in the format of <interval>_<cp>

    # Underlying Candlesticks Channel


    Provides a way to access charting underlying candlestick info.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: 2s

    # Client Subscription

    If prefix contract with mark_, the contract's mark price candlesticks will be subscribed; if prefix with index_, index price candlesticks will be subscribed.

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.ul_candlesticks",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["10s", "BTC_USDT"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Subscription parameters. From left to right, interval, cp
    » interval String Yes Candlestick data point interval
    » contract String Yes Options contract name

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    interval 10s
    interval 1m
    interval 5m
    interval 15m
    interval 30m
    interval 1h
    interval 4h
    interval 8h
    interval 1d
    interval 7d

    To subscribe to multiple contracts or with different intervals, just send multiple subscribe request with different parameters.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630650451,
    	"channel": "options.ul_candlesticks",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": [
            "t": 1639039260,
            "v": 100,
            "c": "1041.4",
            "h": "1041.4",
            "l": "1041.4",
            "o": "1041.4",
            "a": "0",
            "n": "10s_BTC_USDT"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of Candlesticks
    t Integer Unix timestamp in seconds
    o String Open price
    c String Close price
    h String Highest price
    l String Lowest price
    v Integer Total volume
    a String Amount
    n String Name of the subscription, in the format of <interval>_<cp>

    # Order Book Channel

    The order_book channel allow you to keep track of the state of the gate.io order book depth. It is provided on a price aggregated basis, with customizable precision.

    There are three different order book channels for subscription:

    • options.order_book

      Legacy channel, which uses all to push full limited-level order book, and update to send every order book change event.

    • options.book_ticker

      Push best bid and ask in real-time.

    • options.order_book_update

      Push order book change with user-specified update frequency.

    Receiving order book update through `options.order_book` is not recommended to

    use. options.order_book_update can provide more timely update with less traffic

    How to maintain local order book:

    1. Subscribe options.order_book_update with specified level and update frequency, e.g. ["BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C", "1000ms", "10"] pushes the first 10 levels' update in BTC_USDT order book every 1s
    2. Cache WebSocket notifications. Every notification use U and u to tell the first and last update ID since last notification.
    3. Retrieve base order book using REST API, and make sure the order book ID is recorded(referred as baseID below) e.g. https://api.gatemt.com/api/v4/options/order_book?contract=BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C&limit=10&with_id=true retrieves the 10-level base order book of BTC_USDT
    4. Iterate the cached WebSocket notifications, and find the first one which contains the baseID, i.e. U <= baseId+1 and u >= baseId+1, then start consuming from it. Note that sizes in notifications are all absolute values. Use them to replace original sizes in corresponding price. If size equals to 0, delete the price from the order book.
    5. Dump all notifications which satisfy u < baseID+1. If baseID+1 < first notification U, it means current base order book falls behind notifications. Start from step 3 to retrieve newer base order book.
    6. If any subsequent notification which satisfy U > baseID+1 is found, it means some updates are lost. Reconstruct local order book from step 3.

    You can find example application implementing the methods above in the SDK GitHub repository (opens new window)

    # Best bid or ask price


    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.book_ticker",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes List of contracts

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    If a is empty string, it means empty asks; if b is empty string, it means empty bids.

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630650452,
    	"channel": "options.book_ticker",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": {
        "t": 1615366379123,
        "u": 2517661076,
        "s": "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C",
        "b": "54696.6",
        "B": 37000,
        "a": "54696.7",
        "A": 47061

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result object Order book ticker object
    » t Integer Order book update time in milliseconds
    » u String Order book update ID
    » s Integer Contract name
    » b String Best bid price. If no bids, it's empty string
    » B Integer Best bid size. If no bids, it will be 0
    » a String Best ask price. If no asks, it's empty string
    » A Integer Best ask size. If no asks, it will be 0

    # Changed order book levels


    push type: continuous

    update frequency: 100ms

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.order_book_update",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C", "1000ms", "20"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    payload Array[String] Yes Subscription parameters, from left to right, contract, interval
    » contract String Yes Contract name
    » interval String Yes Notification update speed
    » level String No Optional level interested. Only updates within are notified.

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    interval 100ms
    interval 1000ms
    Property Value
    level 5
    level 10
    level 20
    level 50

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630650445,
    	"channel": "options.order_book_update",
    	"event": "update",
    	"result": {
        "t": 1615366381417,
        "s": "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C",
        "U": 2517661101,
        "u": 2517661113,
        "b": [
                "p": "54672.1",
                "s": 0
                "p": "54664.5",
                "s": 58794
        "a": [
                "p": "54743.6",
                "s": 0
                "p": "54742",
                "s": 95

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result object Changed asks and bids since last update
    » t Integer Order book update time in milliseconds
    » s Integer Contract name
    » U Integer First order book update ID since last update
    » u Integer Last order book update ID since last update
    » b String Changed bids
    »» p String Changed price
    »» s String Absolute size value after change. If 0, remove this price from order book
    » a String Changed asks
    »» p String Changed price
    »» s String Absolute size value after change. If 0, remove this price from order book

    # Limited-Level Full Order Book Snapshot


    push type: continuous

    update frequency: 250ms

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.order_book",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C", "20", "0"]

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    contract String Yes Contract name
    limit String Yes Limit, legal limits:50, 20, 10, 5, 1
    accuracy String Yes Now only support "0"

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    level 5
    level 10
    level 20
    Property Value
    accuracy 0

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contracts subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel does not require authentication

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

    	"time": 1630650445,
    	"channel": "options.order_book",
    	"event": "all",
    	"result": {
        "t": 1541500161123,
        "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C",
        "id": 93973511,
        "asks": [
                "p": "97.1",
                "s": 2245
                "p": "97.1",
                "s": 2245
        "bids": [
                "p": "97.1",
                "s": 2245
                "p": "97.1",
                "s": 2245


      "channel": "options.order_book",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1630650445,
      "result": [
          "p": "49525.6",
          "s": 7726,
          "c": "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C",
          "id": 93973511

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of objects
    »c String Options contract name
    »s Integer This number is the final value, the calculated value. Positive Numbers represent long(bids), Negative number represent short(asks)
    »p String This order book price
    »id Integer This price order book id

    # Orders Channel


    Provides a way to receive user closed orders.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.orders",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001","BTC_USDT-20211130-65000-C"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String Yes User id
    contract String Yes Options contract name

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.

    If you want to subscribe to all orders updates in all contracts, you can include !all in contract list.


    This channel requires authentication.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1630654851,
       "channel": "options.orders",
       "event": "update",
       "result": [
             "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-65000-C",
             "create_time": 1637897000,
             "fill_price": 0,
             "finish_as": "cancelled",
             "iceberg": 0,
             "id": 106,
             "is_close": false,
             "is_liq": false,
             "is_reduce_only": false,
             "left": -10,
             "mkfr": 0.0004,
             "price": 15000,
             "refr": 0,
             "refu": 0,
             "size": -10,
             "status": "finished",
             "text": "web",
             "tif": "gtc",
             "tkfr": 0.0004,
             "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
             "user": "9xxx",
             "time": 1639051907,
             "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Updated order list. Note it is possible that multiple contracts' orders will be updated in one notification.

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array[Object] Updated order list
    » id integer(int64) Options order ID
    » user String User ID
    » create_time integer(int64) Creation time of order
    » finish_as string How the order was finished. - filled: all filled - cancelled: manually cancelled - liquidated: cancelled because of liquidation - ioc: time in force is IOC, finish immediately - auto_deleveraged: finished by ADL - reduce_only: cancelled because of increasing position while reduce-only set- position_closed: cancelled because of position close
    » status string Order status - open: waiting to be traded - finished: finished
    » contract string Contract name
    » size integer(int64) Order size. Specify positive number to make a bid, and negative number to ask
    » iceberg integer(int64) Display size for iceberg order. 0 for non-iceberg. Note that you will have to pay the taker fee for the hidden size
    » price string Order price. 0 for market order with tif set as ioc
    » is_close boolean Is the order to close position
    » is_reduce_only boolean Is the order reduce-only
    » is_liq boolean Is the order for liquidation
    » tif string Time in force - gtc: GoodTillCancelled - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only - poc: PendingOrCancelled, reduce-only
    » left integer(int64) Size left to be traded
    » fill_price string Fill price of the order
    » tkfr Float Taker fee
    » mkfr Float Maker fee
    » refu integer Reference user ID
    » refr Float Referrer rebate
    » underlying String underlying name
    » time int Creation time of message
    » time_ms Int Creation time of message in millisecond

    # User Trades Channel


    Provides a way to receive user trades.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.usertrades",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001", "BTC_USDT-20211216-44800-C"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String Yes User id
    contract String Yes Options contract name

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.

    If you want to subscribe to all user trades updates in all contracts, you can include !all in contract list.


    This channel requires authentication.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1639144214,
       "channel": "options.usertrades",
       "event": "update",
       "result": [
             "id": "1",
             "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
             "order": "557940",
             "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211216-44800-C",
             "create_time": 1639144214,
             "create_time_ms": 1639144214583,
             "price": "4999",
             "role": "taker",
             "size": -1

    Updated user trades list. Note it is possible that multiple contracts' trades will be updated in one notification.

    Result format:

    Field type description
    result Array Array of objects
    »contract String Options contract name
    »create_time Integer Create time
    »create_time_ms Integer Create time in milliseconds
    »id String Trades id
    »order String Order Id
    »price String Trade price
    »size Integer Trades size
    »role String User role (maker/taker)

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    role maker
    role taker

    # Liquidates Channel


    Provides a way to receive user liquidates info. ()

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.liquidates",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001", "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String Yes User id
    contract String Yes Options contract name

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel requires authentication.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "channel": "options.liquidates",
       "event": "update",
       "time": 1630654851,
       "result": [
             "user": "1xxxx",
             "init_margin": 1190,
             "maint_margin": 1042.5,
             "order_margin": 0,
             "time": 1639051907,
             "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of objects
    » time int64 Position close time
    » time int64 Position close time in millisecond
    » user string User id
    » init_margin float Initial position margin
    » maint_margin float Position maintenance margin
    » order_margin float Order margin of unfinished orders

    # User Settlements Channel


    Provides a way to receive user settlements info.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.user_settlements",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001", "BTC_USDT-20211130-65000-C"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String yes user id
    contract String yes Options contract name

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel requires authentication.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "channel": "options.user_settlements",
       "event": "update",
       "time": 1639051907,
       "result": [
             "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-65000-C",
             "realised_pnl": -13.028,
             "settle_price": 70000,
             "settle_profit": 5,
             "size": 10,
             "strike_price": 65000,
             "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
             "user": "9xxx",
             "time": 1639051907,
             "time_ms": 1639051907000
    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of objects
    »realised_pnl Float Realized PNL
    »settle_price Float settlement price
    »settle_profit Integer Settlement profit per size
    »strike_price float Strike price
    »underlying string underlying name
    »size Integer Trade size
    »time Integer settle time
    »time_ms Integer settle time in milliseconds
    »user String User id
    »contract String Options contract name

    # Position Closes Channel


    Provides a way to receive user position closes info.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.position_closes",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001", "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String yes user id
    contract String yes Options contract name

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.


    This channel requires authentication.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "channel": "options.position_closes",
       "event": "update",
       "time": 1630654851,
       "result": [
             "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-50000-C",
             "pnl": -0.0056,
             "settle_size": 0,
             "side": "long",
             "text": "web",
             "underlying": "BTC_USDT",
             "user": "11xxxxx",
             "time": 1639051907,
             "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of objects
    »contract String Options contract name
    »pnl Float Profit & loss
    »side String Position side, long or short
    »text String Text of close order
    »time Integer Position close time
    »time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
    »user String User id
    »underlying string underlying name

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    side long
    side Short

    # Balances Channel


    Provides a way to receive user balances info.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import json
    import time
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.balances",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String Yes User id


    This channel requires authentication.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "channel": "options.balances",
       "event": "update",
       "time": 1630654851,
       "result": [
             "balance": 60.79009,
             "change": -0.5,
             "text": "BTC_USDT-20211130-55000-P",
             "type": "set",
             "user": "11xxxx",
             "time": 1639051907,
             "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of objects
    »balance Float Balance after changed
    »change Float Change size
    »text String Balance change message
    »time Integer Balance change Time
    »time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
    »type String Type
    »user String User id

    # Positions Channel


    Provides a way to receive user positions info.

    push type: continuous

    update frequency: real-time

    # Client Subscription

    Code samples

    import json
    import time
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://op-ws.gateio.live/v4/ws")
    request = {
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "options.positions",
        "event": "subscribe",  # "unsubscribe" for unsubscription
        "payload": ["1001", "BTC_USDT-20211130-65000-C"]
    # refer to Authentication section for gen_sign implementation
    request['auth'] = gen_sign(request['channel'], request['event'], request['time'])

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    user id String Yes User id
    contract String Yes Options contract name

    You can subscribe/unsubscribe multiple times. Contract subscribed earlier will not be overridden unless explicitly unsubscribed to.

    Authentication required.

    # Server Notification

    Notification example

       "time": 1630654851,
       "channel": "options.positions",
       "event": "update",
       "error": null,
       "result": [
             "entry_price": 0,
             "realised_pnl": -13.028,
             "size": 0,
             "contract": "BTC_USDT-20211130-65000-C",
             "user": "9010",
             "time": 1639051907,
             "time_ms": 1639051907000

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    result Array Array of objects
    »contract String Options contract name
    »entry_price Float Entry price
    »realised_pnl Float Realized PNL
    »size Integer Contract size
    »time Integer Update unix timestamp
    »time_ms Integer Update unix timestamp in milliseconds
    »user String User id